In the second part of the series we are going to look at a a tail shape that has had a huge resurgence in the last few years, the modern swallow/retro fish tail.
The iconic part of any Fish surfboard is the tail shape, so much so that modern surfboards with a swallow tail are being described as a Fish even though they couldn't be more different.
Either way the benefits of a swallow tail surfboard remain. The crucial one being how wide you can make the tail without it losing control, a squash tail with the same width would just slide out.
Its design is similar to the pintail in that the points will give the board more hold and traction in the wave face. The vee that is cut out of the tail allows for bite and control when the board is going in and out of turns.
The swallow tail is a versatile design that features in surfboards of all shapes and sizes. Small wave fish surfboards have a wide swallow tail for increased surface area and drive but the cutout releases through turns.
A more traditional shortboard and even a bigger wave surfboard/gun may have a tighter swallow tail for hold and control with slightly more manoeuvrability vs the standard pintail or rounded pintail.
Photo: Cabiancasurfboards
As Gabriel Medina demonstrates swallow/fish tail surfboards are not just designed for cruising.
If you have any questions about adding a swallow tail surfboard to your quiver, getting in contact with us is easy:
Phone: +44 3300010173
Email: [email protected]
or hit the live chat button.